♥Together In Paris ♥

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Love, Veron Chuang.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Make your own tinted sunscreen+ tinted moisturizer!

(This is something that most people already know; but some still don't know yet, so let's share it out and save our purses from bleeding cash whey.*winks*)

(其实这个勒,已经很多人知道怎么做了的; 不过还是会有些人不知道, 所以大家一起分享出去,一起省钱吧~ ^^)

LEFT: D.I.Y tinted sunscreen

RIGHT: D.I.Y tinted moisturizer
(no concealer on dark eye circles. *gaspzz*)

左: DIY的有色防晒霜.

右: DIY的有色保湿液


From left : An empty container, a plastic spatula (or anything you have that you can mix things with)
, a glass bowl (optional. you can even use a plastic card),
your choice of sunblock (I'm using sunblock by Methode Swiss SPF 30)  your choice of foundation (I'm using Aery Jo Fitting sun foundation SPF28)

左边开始: 一个小空瓶, 一个小舀子,一个玻璃碗(不一定需要.你也可以用一个塑胶卡),
你自己的防晒膏(我用的是menthode swiss, 防晒指数30), 你自己的粉底液

I'm not really a fan the foundation, (well if you have read my blog a few times you might notice that I've mentioned before that I rarely use full on foundation on my skin) 
because I get this effect when I apply it on my skin. (picture above)
I'm not sure why but it's like the goddess of foundation HATES me. I've tried tons of ways to apply foundation from using fingers to brushes, moisturizers/sprays/makeup bases/ essence/ below foundation or even above foundation. It still looks like that. no matter what brand = ="
It looks wrinkly and chalky on my skin and it enlarges the whiteheads (eww yes i have whiteheads on my fist )
Plus, it's a bit more darker than my normal skin tone *that's the lightest shade already -_-*, so it makes the skin on my face look dull. 
Why I haven't got rid of it yet? Because it costs me a whopping RM180 (If I don't remember wrongly)
And I've only used it like.. 5 times MAX. 

So, for the foundation on this tutorial, you don't need to rush out and BUY another foundation.
instead, you can use a foundation that you've bought before but maybe it's a shade darker than your skin tone,
or maybe the consistency of your foundation is a bit too thick to your liking. 
At least give this a try before letting it sit and expire in your makeup box aye  =)
It's super easy and fun to do btw!

(如果你之前就有读过我部落的话,你或许有点印象, 我有提起过我很少在我皮肤上涂粉底液)
因为如果我在我脸上涂粉底液的话就会有酱的效果. (上面的图片).
可能我上辈子惹到了粉底液的精灵, 我用过很多种方法涂粉底液.
从用手指到用各种刷子, 到在上粉底液前或后涂隔离霜/防晒/润肤液/喷雾/精华, 还是会看起来那样  = =" 不管用什么牌子的,都一样. = =
我的皮肤就会看起来很邹,一塌一塌酱的感觉. 然后粉刺都会出来(嘿我的拳头上有粉刺.xD)
而且这个粉底液,虽然我已经买了最浅的颜色, 它还是比我自己的肤色暗一些.
为什么我还没有丢掉呢? 因为这瓶东西没有记错的话好像是RM180.
而且我只用过5次. (最多. = =)

所以这个教学的粉底液, 你不用特地去买多一个啦.
你可以用你自己本身有的, 或者你买过,但是颜色暗一点的,
或者你觉得质感有点太厚的粉底液, 你都能搬出来用.
至少试过了嘛. 要不然也是放在化妆包里发霉,对吗? =)
而且超容易做的啦. 又好玩!

(Left, foundation,   Right, Sunblock)
(左, 粉底液,   右边,防晒膏)

K so First up, pump out a pump of foundation and a squeeze of sunblock into your glass bowl.
You can use a plastic card too or ANYTHING you can think of to mix these two together as long as it's sanitary for you!

首先,你就按出一点粉底液, 再挤出一点防晒膏进你的玻璃碗里面.

Use your plastic spatula and mix the foundation and sunblock together! *mix mix mix...*


And this is the end result! :D
The shade of the color is a tad bit lighter because of the white colored sunblock I've used to mix the foundation with.  the consistency still remains thick! :D
But I think I've used a bit too much of both of the products, as I only need 50% of what you see in the picture for my whole face.

然后就会变成酱了! :D
质感还是厚的! :D
不过我觉得我好像做到太多出来了. 因为我整个脸只需要用到你看到小舀子上的产品的50% = =

The amount on my finger is the amount of what I've used to apply on my left cheek.

How it looks like on the back of my hand. It looks just like my skin instead of something over it!

If you'd like to use the ratio of products that I've used, it's 50% foundation and 50% sun screen. to my skin it looks like a tint of color+ minimal coverage

If you'd like more coverage, use 70% foundation and 30% sunscreen.

**If you would like just a tint of color on your face with a moisturizing purpose,
don't do this, scroll down instead! :D  **

Of course the coverage won't be as good as a foundation because we've mixed it together with a sunblock.

Btw, this is a fact, when you mix ANYTHING with sunblock/sunscreen,
you're likely changing the protective factor of the sunscreen, so it might be lowering the SPF.
But I don't really care that much because my sunblock is a SPF 30, and the foundation has a SPF 28, 
plus I'm not gonna play in the sun for hours, just for a protection against UV rays and stuffs, but still got some coverage and color on my face whenever I'm out for shopping/ having tea with my friends

You can choose whether you would want to make a bit more of the tinted sunscreen and fill it in an empty container. But I don't recommend you to make like a month's supply of it. Instead, make only a supply of 5 days - a week. Because you want to keep your product "fresh" what! 

在我手背上的效果. 比起有一层东西盖过脸的感觉, 看起来还满像我自己的皮肤的.

我用了50%的粉底液, 50%的防晒膏, 在我的皮肤上就像就有一点颜色+轻微遮暇的效果.
当然,如果你想要有更多的遮暇效果的话,就用70%的粉底液, 还有30%的防晒.

*如果你只是想要在脸上有一点的颜色,但是又具备滋润效果的, 请往下拉~*

不过当然, 粉底的遮遐效果就没那么好了,因为你已经把它跟防晒参在一起了~.

对了,只要你把任何一种东西跟防晒膏混合在一起用, 你的防晒膏的防晒指数可能会跌. 
不过我也没管那么多啦, 因为我的防晒已经是SPF30了, 粉底又是SPF28, 
我也不会在大太阳底下爆晒几个小时; 我只要有个能均应我肤色又有一点点遮暇的防晒膏,当我跟朋友出门的时候,或者喝茶的时候,保护我的皮肤,隔离紫外线.

你可以选择要不要做多一点, 然后装在一个小空瓶里. 不过我不推荐你们做一个月的分量啦. 
做大概5天到一个星期的分量就够了, 因为你要你的产品"保持新鲜"~!


Using a foundation of your choice, and a moisturizer of your choice.
I'm using Akin's unscented 24 hour pure moisture.
Which looks like this.

我用的是Akin's 牌子的unscented 24 hour pure moisture.

The consistency is a bit more fluid-like.


I've placed both the foundation and the moisturizer into an empty container,
the ratio is also 50% moisturizer, 50% foundation.

份量也是50%粉底, 50%润肤液.

Mix em both together with your spatula. *mix mix mix mix mix*
(Looks gross right? I KNOW. heh)

(看起来是有一点恶心啦. XD)

End result! The consistency is more creamier than the tinted sunblock,
It kind of reminds me of RMK liquid foundation actually! XD
 Now I'm not saying that you'll get the same consistency that I've got when you mix it with your own products,
but here's a tip; the more liquid your moisturizer is, the closer you get to this consistency.
and it just feels super lightweight to the skin!

完成品! 质感会比有色防晒霜"水"!
还有点让我想到rmk的水状粉底液勒! 哈! XD
不过要跟mm们说下, 我不担保你们用自己的产品混在一起后会得到一模一样的质感,
这里给你们一个小贴士;就是, 你的润肤液越水状, 完成品的质感会靠近图片里的质感.

(How the tinted moisturizer looks like on my face)


(How it looks like on the back of my hand. moisture surge!! :D)

If you work in an air-conditioned environment, and is getting fed up with foundation because it feels drying to your skin, I recommend that you try this. :)

And again,you can choose whether you would want to make a bit more of the tinted moisturizer and fill it in an empty container. But I don't recommend you to make like a month's supply of it. Instead, make only a supply of 5 days - a week. Because you want to keep your product "fresh" what! 

(在我手背上的效果!水嫩嫩滴~! :D)

如果你在一个一直要吹冷气的工作环境下做工, 然后用粉底用到怕了,因为皮肤会干干,
你可以试试办看做这个吖~ :)

然后呢, 你也可以选择要不要做多一点, 然后装在一个小空瓶里. 不过我不推荐你们做一个月的分量啦.
做大概5天到一个星期的分量就够了, 因为你要你的产品"保持新鲜"~!

Remember to remove it from your face when you've reached home!!
yes even when you use sunblock on it's own,
you still have to remove it! or your pores will get clogged! 
same for the tinted moisturizer! 

回到家后记得卸掉喔! 不管是有色滋润膏还是有色防晒膏都一样!
就算你单单用防晒膏也一定要卸掉! 记得啊~!!

(on simple cleansing wipes)

(我用simple cleansing wipes卸掉的.)


Yes alot of makeup brands out there do sell ready-made tinted moisturizers and sunscreens.
But I only remember Benefit and Laura Mercier. XD

Anyway, I hope this tutorial helps and hope you girls like it! 

可是我暂时只记得Benefit 还有Laura Mercier有卖啦..XD


Love, Veron Chuang


  1. My mum has good skin. So I just briefly took one of her SKII(http://www.geocities.jp/hongkong_skii/index_e.htm) to use, which I assume is a moisturizer. It's good man I tell you! She gave me a small bottle of eye cream before but the effects weren't that great and I stopped using. But my mum's moisturizer is good! I can feel it reacting once I applied it

  2. gillion, walao eh your mom is so nice!!She lets you use her SK2!!!!envy~~!
    I've went to the counter and tried it before,and I totally agree with you!it's a great product but the price makes my heart break.*piang*!(T_T)

  3. I also cant use foundation/ BB cream. Except for the sponsored deals by nuffnang from Kanebo :/ I'm worst. use already straightaway have breakouts / clogged pores. I did remove them well etc, but i guess foundations/ bb creams hate me as well. Prefer tinted moisturizer. Will try your way soon & let you know :D
