老实说我从第一次开始使用唇彩,到现在为止都遇过很多次嘴唇干裂,脱皮的现象. 我的原因是因为我一天内喝的水不够多而且马来西亚长年以来都是烈日当空, 本身的体质很容易发热气! 所以我很少买口红.即使有喜欢的颜色~ 因为嘴唇太容易脱皮了. 很多牌子的滋润程度都不够啊~ 而且稍微有滋润效果的,未必有我喜欢的颜色. 而有时候喜欢的颜色太鲜艳了,如果再淡一点,就完美料. **哀怨ing** (TT__TT)
所以~今天的教学是~ 怎么做出你专属的润唇膏!
(这方法流传了满久一下料的喔~ 大家一起试试~ ^^)
From the first time that I've tried using lip colors until now, every single time that I've used it on my lips, I've always faced this problem; lip chapping. even if I put on a lip conditioner before hand. and trust me, i've tried tons of lip conditioners. -.-
i think the main reason of my lip chapping is because i don't consume enough water daily. plus, malaysia is a country that only have one season- sunny/humid weathers. my body gets "heaty" easily, thus causes chapped lips. so i seldom buy lipsticks/lip glosses. even though i see a color that i LOVE. and sometimes the colors appear too intense on my lips too.
so today's tutorial is how to make your own tinted lip conditioner!
if you have lip colors that are too intense, or even thinking of mixing 2/3 colors together to make a new color is applicable too!
(this technique has been flooding the web for a time now, lets try it together shall we? ^^)
一支口红 (如果你要把2/3/4种口红颜色参在一起都可以)
一只铁舀子(等下拿来混合口红用的)+ 小汤匙/小奶油刀 (最好这几样是你很少用到/不要用了的)
蜡烛+ 打火机. (图片中小碗是拿来放蜡烛的)
what you'll need today~
a lipstick of your choice (if you want to mix 2/3 colors together also can)
a metal scoop(to mix the lipstick+vaseline)+ small spoon+a butter knife (use those that you rarely use/don't use already)
a candle+lighter
我今天所用的口红是M.A.C cosmetics 的amplified lipstick, Saint Germain. 它是个颜色很显眼的娃娃粉红. 我还满喜欢这些颜色的~只是~ 看得出我嘴唇脱皮到很够力下hor? 它的正色我只用过2次而已, 为什么会只剩下一半, 其实是因为我时常自己做,调,不同的唇膏颜色~所以用了这个颜色不少.
i'm using Saint Germain from M.A.C, it's an intense barbie pink color with a bit of lavender tone to it.
i'm quite fond of this color, but as you can see from the picture on the left, i have bad chapped lips.
so i've only used saint germain twice on bare lips.
why does it look like that i've used it aot? because i make my own lip conditioners often, and i mix colors,
saint germain is one of the colors that i love to use as a mixing color.
首先拿你的奶油刀, 切一小块的口红分量出来. 分量要多少是看自己决定的. 如果你要颜色显眼/鲜艳点, 你就切多一点. 如果你只要那种蜻蜓点水般淡淡的颜色,而主要是滋润的话, 就别用那么多口红, 凡士林加多一点. 我今天用的分量是50%口红,50%凡士林. 如果你要放进多过1个颜色的口红, 我建议你想要哪一个颜色比较显眼就切多一些出来.
first take your butter knife and cut out a small piece of the lipstick. just cut out how much you think you'll need. if you want the color to look more visible, cut more. if you just want a hint of color on your lips, don't cut out that much, and add more vasaline. i'm using 50% lipstick + 50% vasaline.
if you're using more than 1 lipstick color, i recommend you to use more of the color that you want to appear more.
here's a tea spoon size of vasaline in the metal scoop.
把凡士林跟口红一起放进去铁舀子里面,拿火才点燃蜡烛, 让浪漫的烛光弄热铁舀子的底部,
put the lipstick and the vasaline together into the metal scoop, and ignite the candle.
and let the flame warm up the base of the metal scoop.
the lipstick& vasaline will melt away eventually.
在它们融化的时候,拿一个可以搅拌的小棒/你要用回奶油刀也行,搅拌凡士林跟口红,把2者混合在一起. (不好意思,我知道图片有点恶心,但是想给你们看下搅拌到一半是怎样滴~)
while it's melting, take something to stir the vasaline and lipstick and blend both of them together.
(paiseh, i know the pic looks kinda disgusting now but i just wanna let you guys have an idea of it.)
after you've successfully stired and blended the both of em.
乘它还是在液状的时候,拿你要拿来装唇膏的容器放在报纸上, 慢慢的把液体从铁舀子倒进你的容器里.
while it's still liquid form, take anything you'd like (as long as it can contain your lip conditioner and u can bring it around) and slowly pour the liquid from the metal spoon into the container.
噔噔!!!大功告成!!! ^___^ 接下来就把它放进去冰箱里让它冷却吧~~ 然后它凝固了后,你就可以拿来当你自己的专属润唇膏使用喔!
TAAADAHHH!! it's DONE!! ^___^ pop it into your refrigirator to let it cool down.
after it becomes solid, you can use it as your own personalized tinted lip conditioner!
这是涂在嘴唇上的效果~ 色泽看起来比较自然, 像婴儿的粉红, 看起来也顺滑多了~
here's how it looks like after the application on the lips. it looks more like a natural baby pink on the lips and looks so much smoother on ze pout! :D
有奖游戏~ 我做了2罐一模一样的唇膏出来~
一个是我自己用,另外一个拿来送~ ^^
想要免费赢取这罐专属的润唇膏吗~? 请在下一个blogpost查看详情~ ^^
and are you ready for this?? it's my first ever contest! ^^
because i've made 2 of the same colors,
one for me, and one for the lucky girl~
i'm giving this away to YOU!
please go to the next blogpost for more information to participate~
this is open internationally,
so welcome, wherever you are to participate! :)