♥Together In Paris ♥

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Love, Veron Chuang.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Back To Basics- How to Winged/Cat Eye

**NOTE**  K I've copied this from my previous blog, the post was created like.. at least 8 months ago. I find it still kinda useful for peeps out there that wish to do a winged eye look / cat eye. Before I only typed it out in mandarin, I'm now adding on english :) 

(左起)  (FROM LEFT)

                                                        REVLON LIQUID EYELINER (BLACK)

                                                     MAYBALINE GEL EYELINER (BLACK)

                                                          MAC 208 ANGLED BROW BRUSH


** I'm using liquid eyeliner on the right eye
**I'm using eyeliner gel on the left eye

对初学者来说,买这种LIQUID EYELINER 硬头, 会画的比较顺手.因为我自己刚学的时候软头硬头都买过,才发现硬头比较好化. (当然,如果你觉得软头好化的话我也没意见哦)

For beginners, I personally recommend getting a liquid eyeliner with a harder tip, because it would be much more easier to draw/ flick out the winged eye/cars eye. When I first started using makeup, I've tried both and find that harder tip liquid eyeliner are easier to work with. BUT, if you feel that soft tips are better, you could use it too. it's all about personal preference. 

我是从中间化起.一次过化到尾. 化完后,再从眼头化去中间.不是从眼头画起.
因为我觉得如果你从中间化起得话会比较容易.  ,如果你还不是个会化眼线的人,你一笔到尾,还要化出眼尾翘上的感觉的话, 要化到美美是非常难的~不信你试试看~哈哈~

While drawing the eyeliner, I'm starting to line my eyes from the middle till the end. after that, I go back to the front of the eye, and only start drawing it from the front to the middle. because I think that it's easier to draw an eyeliner when your starting point is from the middle. if you do not know how to draw a basic eyeliner yet, you start from the front of the eye and draw straight till the end and "wing" your eye, it's not impossible, but it's hard to make it right at first try. 

这是1分钟后化完从中间到眼尾,再从眼头到中间的普通眼线. (根本看不出有化=.=)

I've just did a basic eyeliner in a minute. can't tell eh? XD


眼尾那边要化得比较厚喔,酱才能化出WINGED EYE的感觉. 慢慢加厚,不用紧~~

The trick IS, from the middle of the eye till the end of the eye, try to thicken the line, especially the end of the eye, only then you can "wing"it. 
thicken the eyeliner slowly, don't rush :)

这是刚翘出来的. 我觉得还很细.

my first "wing" 

如果你还是不明白, 请你一定要参考这个VIDEO~

If you don't get what I mean, please take a look at the video above, 
because I think the lady in the video explains it very well. 

因为刚才觉得很细~ 我就把眼线加厚还有加长了~ *我还是用慢慢点,慢慢化的方式化哦*


I feel that the previous winged eye was kinda normal, so I added thickness and length to the eyeliner by using *dot by dot technique* 

**I'll be typing it at the end of this post so READDDD!!XD**


And this is a cat's eye created by using Revlon Liquid Eyeliner.


如何化出来~我还是要叫你参考那个女孩子的教学~ 因为她真的教完了. (=A=)

Now I'm using Maybeline Gel Eyeliner to create a winged/ cat's eye. 

How to do it? Please refer to the youtube link that I have posted above because SHE IS REALLY GOOD! 

She literally taught it all!


The end result. 


LIQUID EYELINER的好处是一化下去就干了. 眨眼也不会弄到眼皮,可是你一时失手化歪的话,不是残?

The best thing about Liquid Eyeliners are, it drys almost in like SECONDS! and it can last all day! 
But what if you accidentally screwed up while you're halfway there? here are 3 ways to save your day.

1)直接整个眼睛卸掉再化过. (可是,如果当天你没有化EYESHADOW还不用紧,不过如果那天化了个美美的SMOKEY EYE,就因为化错,要整个卸掉不是很累又花时间?)

1) Remove your eye makeup and RE-DO it all again! (This is recommended if you only have eyeliner on. if you already have eyeshadow on and stuff like that, use tip No. 2)

2)拿棉花棒沾些比较快干的MAKEUP REMOVER (本身推荐MAYBALINE/LOREAL 的蓝白EYE&LIP REMOVER. 如果你有类似那种REMOVER的话也可以用.) 然后轻搽你化错的那个部分, 等干了后再补化回去.

2) Take a cotton bud and pat some water+oil base makeup remover that would dry fast ( I personally use Maybeline/ Loreal blue white eye& lip remover. If you have something like that you could use it too) then gently wipe away on the place that you screwed up on, after it dries, you can wing it again :D

3) 用LIQUID EYELINER化的时候,细心些, 用慢慢点的方式化, 不是一笔直接下喔哦, 是一点,一点, 一DOT一DOT的方式画.
是酱的, 如果你觉得眼线太细,你还可以慢慢加, 慢慢来,没有关系. 如果你直接一次过化到厚厚, 可是又没有你要的翘, 不是要重来?
3) When using liquid eyeliner, to create a nice cat's eye,take your time and do it slowly. Not draw your cats eye in one go (Unless you're already very good in makeup ;) ),  my **dot by dot** technique is, if you feel that your eyeliner looks too thin, add it on little by little, dot by dot, stroke by stroke.  
If you draw it too think in one go, but the wing doesn't look like a wing, you'll have to do it all again and it's frustrating = =

我觉得大部化不出WINGED EYE的感觉的MM, 问题应该出在不熟练于化出那个"翘".

这里有2种方法~ 我都用过的,都觉得不错.

第一个<我最常用的> -- 去看那个VIDEO!!! = =" 因为那个女孩子有教.我懒惰打出来~XD

I think the reason behind the problem behind creating a winged / cats eye is because you're not familier on how to "wing" the end of your eye out yet. Here are 2 tricks that I've used and felt useful. First tip that I use usually, GO WATCH THE VIDEO to know how! ;P  Because the girl in the video teached and I'm lazy to type it out. XD


那片透明的TAPE (粘纸~)





(我知道这个方法很难以置信 = =" 可是真的有用XD)

Take a piece of translucent tape, and tape it on where you want your winged eye winged. 
and adjust till you think that the "wing" outwards is alright enough for you, 
draw on your eyeliner and follow the out line of the tape....
after you're done, gently tear off the tape, 
and you have a cats eye! :D

(it's a bit unbelievable BUT IT DOES WORK! XD)

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